The Perfect Summer Sanctuary

If you are looking for the perfect sanctuary during the summer time, garden log cabins are a great choice. Imagine walking into your backyard to a sturdy and well-built garden log cabin that can serve many different purposes. You will be amazed at all of the options that you will have with a good log […]

Questions to Ask When Hiring Bathroom Fitters

A new bathroom can breathe life into your home, be tailored to suit your lifestyle, and add value to your property when you come to sell up. Having a new bathroom fitted can be an inconvenience, so you’ll want to hire a professional firm that can do a good job in the shortest possible timeframe. […]

Get Your Garden Ready For Summer

Finally the sun has appeared and we can start to dust off the cobwebs and say goodbye to our huge jumpers for a while. Summer is the time of year for getting out into the garden, inviting friends and family over and lighting the barbecue. So now is the time to make those little improvements […]